A Lifetime's Resolution

And a BIG loss!

Alan Mc Ginley

In a world where New Year's resolutions often fade away faster than the winter snow, Alan McGinley's story stands out as a beacon of determination and success.

This Clydebank resident not only made a resolution but saw it through to an astonishing transformation. Alan's journey with Scottish Slimmers is more than just a weight loss tale; it's a testament to the power of commitment and the life-changing impact of taking that first step, no matter how long it takes to make it.

More than 8 stone lighter, Alan believes his decision to join Scottish Slimmers was the best he’s ever made.

'Mind you it took me around 10 years to finally make that commitment and actually do something about my weight,’ laughs Alan from Clydebank.

‘I’d started to put on serious weight in my mid 40’s and by the time I’d reached my heaviest weight I’d all but written off the idea that change was possible.’

A routine check-up led to a cardiologist appointment, where Alan received advice to lose weight. "Even as my ears were burning with his advice, it still took me some years before I acted on it," the father-of-two admits.

‘Eventually when I did decide I really had to get focused and do something about my size, one of the tipping points that made me do it was changing my job.

‘One of my first tasks was to take part in a video ‘vox pop’ at the Arthritis Care annual conference.

'I talked about wanting to lose a few stones to take the pressure off my knees. I realised I didn't want to turn up a year later the same size. This was my trigger to finally do something about my weight."

Now an impressive 8 stone lighter, Alan's life has changed dramatically. "Walking is now more of a pleasure than a chore, and any visits to the doctor are free of the usual discussion of 'lifestyle issues,'" he says.

'Previously I’d always thought of weight loss as a short-term quick fix, 2-3 months of effort for some visible gain.'

With a twinkle in his eye, Alan adds, "A surprising dividend of my weight loss is the number of times I've been called 'dapper.' As a lifelong scruff, it's certainly not something I've been called before!"

Alan McGinley's remarkable journey is a story of reclaiming health, rediscovering joy in simple activities like walking, and proving that it's never too late to make a positive change.

His success with Scottish Slimmers serves as an inspiration to anyone who has ever doubted their ability to change, showing that with the right support and determination, even long-held resolutions can become reality.

Alan's new lease on life is a powerful reminder that sometimes, the best decision we can make is to believe in our capacity for change.


Got a story? We'd love to hear from you. Drop an email to Andy.