At Scottish Slimmers, we've been talking about good food for 40 years and our message has always been... eating well is the best thing you can do for your body and mind.
Food producers, supermarkets and restaurants have caught up and everywhere you look there's a new eatery opening up, with cafes, restaurants, even street food vendors posting great photos of their fabulous food. And, even when you're on a weight loss journey, you don't have to have to miss out.
The Golden Rules
Wherever you choose to go or order, here are some rules to help you make better choices for you!
Think Ahead - Take a look at the menu in advance so you know the Check count of your choice.
Order First - avoid menu envy by not only choosing in advance what you are having but ordering first. Stick to your choice and you may vene find that your friends follow suit as well.
Starters? - A filling soup is a great choice for first course.
Having a drink? - a glass or two of wine is fine but be aware of the friend that makes sure your glass is topped up. Before you know it a bottle has been finished and your Check count in overdrive. Alternate between wine and a glass a water will reduce your intake and help keep you hydrated too!
Anyone for dessert? - the most common question that attracts those looks across the table as though you are daring each other. Make the decision before hand if you are having one and stick to it. If you are, look for a sorbet or fruit salad. They may still have a few more Checks but far better than the Double Chocolate Fudge Cake with Caramel Sauce!
Stop when you are full - despite what your mother might have told you, there's no need to clean your plate even if you feel you've had enough!
Follow these rules and you can still be social or have the odd takeaway, while you're losing weight, simply remember to add everything to your diary.