Starch and Carbs

essential for balanced nutrition


Healthy eating habits start with variety...
and that means eating from different food groups in your meal planning.

The amount and type of carbs we need are a subject of much debate, consuming some form of carbohydrates is essential to provide energy to our bodies. Planning your menus or shopping will save time and reduce waste and, for most people, one portion of starchy carbohydrates each day is sufficient.

Starchy carbohydrates are rich in calcium, iron, B-vitamins, and fiber, making them essential for our health. Nutrient-dense choices like whole grains, legumes, and root vegetables when included in your meals also contribute to a healthy digestive system.

Why starchy carbohydrates?

There's so much misinformation about food around, particularly carbs which have a reputation as stodgy comfort food that should be avoided. The reality is starchy carbohydrates should be your main source of energy in a balanced diet.

What about grains?

Oats and barley are an inexpensive and sustainable food, with much of what we might eat being grown across the UK. This means fewer food miles - the distance from farm to plate - meaning less cost and environmental impact.

Grains such as oats and barley are a good source of nutrients that can help with:

  • Lowering blood pressure and the risk of heart disease
  • Lower cholesterol
  • Essential fibre
  • B-vitamin

How to get your starchy carb fix?

  • Choose wholegrain cereals for breakfast, porridge, banana oaty pancakes or try some overnight oats.
  • Make a pasta salad or a rice box for those lunches at work.
  • If you have a thing for bread, try different kinds such as seeded, granary or wholemeal.
  • Add oats to your potatoes for a crunchy topping on cottage pie or oat crusted salmon.
  • Consider couscous as an alternative to rice for your next chilli-con-carne or curry.

Remember, moderation is the key, so pay attention to portion sizes to fuel your body without loading up excessive energy, which causes weight gain. Moderation and portion control are key to maintaining balanced carb intake for sustained energy levels.

Making mindful choices and diversifying your carb sources will support your overall wellbeing and provide consistent energy levels throughout the day... it's all about balance.

*Look for products labelled 'gluten-free' if you have an intolerance to grains/gluten.